Monday Outfit

Sweater | Shoes

Happy Monday Darling!

Woof is right! Mondays are the worst. I don’t know about you but it can be so hard to wake up on Mondays and start your week. We can still look cute even if we are running on coffee and dry shampoo, so I am writing about this perfect Monday outfit.

This outfit is perfect for when you oversleep by 30 minutes (guilty!) but still want to look put together. The best part is, this look is super easy: wear your favorite pair of jeans with a plain white tee and add a cardigan for an extra layer. Put on a trendy pair of flats and you are ready to go. If you want to accessorize, try adding a fun scarf into the mix.

I am not quite sure what to call my cardigan/jacket because it is sort of an in between! Personally, I mostly wear it as a cardigan and keep it on all day long, but it can be worn either way. I got it at Versona along with my flats (under $30!).

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The diaries of a post-grad shopaholic